The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)


Key Info

  • Even if the U.S. has been taken with efforts to handle the worldwide AIDS disaster for the reason that mid-Nineteen Eighties, the introduction of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Aid (PEPFAR) in 2003 marked a vital building up in investment and a spotlight to the epidemic. Now, two decades in, PEPFAR experiences saving greater than 25 million lives and is these days offering HIV prevention and remedy products and services to thousands and thousands.
  • PEPFAR is the biggest dedication by means of any country to handle a unmarried illness on the planet; to this point, its investment has totaled greater than $110 billion, together with contributions to the International Fund to Struggle AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (International Fund), to which the U.S. executive is the biggest donor. PEPFAR is credited with saving thousands and thousands of lives and serving to to modify the trajectory of the worldwide HIV epidemic.
  • U.S. investment for PEPFAR grew from $1.9 billion in FY 2004 to $6.9 billion in FY 2023; FY 2023 investment contains $4.8 billion equipped for bilateral HIV efforts and $2.05 billion for multilateral efforts ($50 million for UNAIDS and $2.0 billion for the International Fund). The President asked $6.8 billion for PEPFAR in FY 2024.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic additional sophisticated world HIV efforts, and PEPFAR has acted to reply to COVID-19 in international locations that obtain fortify as a way to decrease HIV provider disruptions and leverage this system’s functions to handle COVID-19 extra widely.
  • Taking a look forward, PEPFAR faces a number of problems and demanding situations, together with how easiest to: cope with the short- and long-term affects of COVID-19 on PEPFAR and the HIV reaction; boost up growth towards epidemic keep watch over within the context of flat investment; fortify and support community-led responses and the sustainability of HIV systems; outline its function in world well being safety and broader well being programs strengthening efforts; and proceed to coordinate with different key gamers within the HIV ecosystem, together with the International Fund.

International State of affairs

HIV, the virus that reasons AIDS (bought immunodeficiency syndrome), has turn out to be one of the most global’s maximum severe well being and building demanding situations. These days, there are roughly 39.0 million folks dwelling with HIV, and tens of thousands and thousands of folks have died of AIDS-related reasons for the reason that starting of the epidemic (see the KFF fact sheet at the world HIV epidemic).

  • Collection of folks dwelling with HIV: 39.0 million
  • Collection of folks newly inflamed with HIV: 1.3 million
  • Collection of AIDS-related deaths: 630,000
  • Collection of folks with HIV on remedy: 29.8 million
NOTES: Displays 2022 information.

U.S. Executive Efforts

Even if the U.S. has been taken with efforts to handle the worldwide HIV/AIDS disaster for the reason that mid-Nineteen Eighties, the introduction of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Aid (PEPFAR) in 2003 marked a vital building up in investment and a spotlight to the epidemic. PEPFAR, the U.S. executive’s world effort to fight HIV and the biggest world well being program dedicated to a unmarried illness, is credited with saving thousands and thousands of lives and serving to to modify the trajectory of the worldwide HIV epidemic. It was once introduced in January 2003 all over President George W. Bush’s State of the Union and certified by means of Congress that very same yr throughout the Management Act (see Desk 1). The Management Act governs PEPFAR’s HIV reaction, in addition to U.S. participation within the International Fund (an impartial, world multilateral financing establishment that gives grants to international locations to handle HIV, TB, and malaria) and bilateral help for TB and malaria systems. Congress has up to date, prolonged, and made adjustments to this system throughout the Lantos-Hyde Act of 2008, the PEPFAR Stewardship Act of 2013, and the PEPFAR Extension Act of 2018, which matches via FY 2023 (see Desk 1 and KFF brief on PEPFAR reauthorization). This yr, Congress will consider reauthorization of PEPFAR for a fourth time.

United States Management In opposition to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003
“The Management Act”
$15 billion P.L. 108-25 FY04-FY08
Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States International Management In opposition to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008
“The Lantos-Hyde Act”
$48 billion P.L. 110-293 FY09- FY13
PEPFAR Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013
“The PEPFAR Stewardship Act”
Didn’t specify authorization for investment* P.L. 113-56 FY14- FY18
PEPFAR Extension Act of 2018

“The PEPFAR Extension Act”

Didn’t specify authorization for investment* P.L. 115-305 FY19-FY23
NOTES: * Congress successfully authorizes investment when it appropriates investment for a function. See the KFF transient on PEPFAR Reauthorization,


PEPFAR’s unique authorization established new constructions and government, consolidating all U.S. bilateral and multilateral actions and investment for world HIV/AIDS. A number of U.S. businesses, host nation governments, and different organizations are taken with implementation.

PEPFAR is overseen by means of the U.S. International AIDS Coordinator, who’s appointed by means of the President, showed by means of the Senate, and experiences without delay to the Secretary of State, as established via PEPFAR’s authorizing regulation. The Coordinator, Dr. John Nkengasong who was once sworn in on June 13, 2022, holds the rank of Ambassador and leads the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) on the Division of State. Lately the Coordinator is dual-hatted because the U.S. Particular Consultant for International Well being International relations. The Coordinator has number one duty for the oversight and coordination of all U.S. world HIV actions and investment throughout more than one U.S. enforcing businesses and departments. As well as, the Coordinator serves because the U.S. Executive’s board member to the International Fund (the U.S. Executive holds an enduring seat at the International Fund’s Board). In December 2022, the Secretary of State announced plans for a brand new Bureau of International Well being Safety and International relations; it could deliver in combination the purposes of a number of coordinators and workplaces, together with OGAC/International Well being International relations and the Coordinator for Global COVID-19 Response and Health Security, and be led by means of Dr. Nkengasong.

Along with the Division of State, different enforcing departments and businesses for HIV actions come with: the U.S. Company for Global Building (USAID); the Division of Well being and Human Products and services, basically throughout the Facilities for Illness Keep watch over and Prevention (CDC), Well being Assets and Products and services Management (HRSA), and Nationwide Institutes of Well being (NIH); the Departments of Hard work, Trade, and Protection (DoD); and the Peace Corps.


In overdue 2022, PEPFAR launched its new five-year technique Fulfilling America’s Promise to End the HIV/AIDS Pandemic by 2030, which outlines its technique to contributing to and supporting world efforts to succeed in the U.N. Sustainable Building Objective 3 (SDG 3) goal of finishing the worldwide AIDS pandemic as a public well being risk by means of 2030, whilst additionally strengthening public well being programs. Complemented by means of 3 “enablers” (network partnerships, innovation, and main with information), the method makes a speciality of 5 strategic pillars:

  • making sure well being fairness for precedence populations,
  • attaining long-term sustainability within the HIV/AIDS reaction,
  • leveraging public well being programs to reply to well being threats,
  • strengthening partnerships, and
  • making sure systems are guided by means of science.

The tactic is meant to align with the UNAIDS International AIDS Technique 2021-2026, as considered one of PEPFAR’s objectives is to succeed in the 95-95-95 goals (see the KFF dashboard tracking growth towards world HIV goals, together with PEPFAR’s epidemic keep watch over goal, in PEPFAR international locations), and the International Fund Technique for 2023-2028.

Key Actions and Effects

PEPFAR actions focal point on increasing get right of entry to to HIV prevention, remedy, and care interventions. Those come with provision of antiretroviral remedy, pre-exposure prophylaxis, voluntary male circumcision, condoms, and different commodities associated with HIV products and services (see Desk 2)., As well as, PEPFAR has introduced particular projects in key strategic spaces. For instance, in 2015, PEPFAR introduced DREAMS, a public-private partnership that targets to scale back HIV infections in adolescent women and younger ladies.

  • HIV checking out products and services (facility- and community-based)
  • Chance relief for adolescence, together with sexual violence prevention
  • Sexual prevention systems, together with condom and lubricant programming, contraceptive counseling, and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Hurt relief efforts and injection protection for injecting drug customers (IDUs) and non-injecting drug use
  • Voluntary clinical male circumcision (VMMC)
  • Antiretroviral (ARV) medicine for adults and youngsters
  • Care and fortify for adults and youngsters dwelling with HIV
  • TB screening and TB preventative remedy for folks dwelling with HIV
  • Cervical most cancers screening and remedy for girls dwelling with HIV
  • Well being group of workers
  • Strategic knowledge programs
  • Laboratory infrastructure
  • Surveys
  • Surveillance
  • Analysis and analysis
  • Procurement and provide chain control
  • Public monetary control
  • Case control, together with prison fortify
  • Financial strengthening systems, together with money transfers
  • Formative years livelihood projects for out-of-school youth
  • Schooling help
  • Meals and diet fortify, together with diet counseling, micronutrient supplementation, and fortify for pregnant and postpartum ladies
  • Psychosocial fortify, together with peer fortify teams
  • Assessing rules, laws, and coverage surroundings associated with fighting stigma, violence, and HIV

The newest effects reported by means of PEPFAR point out that it has:

  • supported checking out products and services for 64.7 million folks in FY 2022;
  • avoided 5.5 million young children from being born with HIV, who would have differently been inflamed;
  • equipped handle greater than 7.0 million orphans and susceptible youngsters (OVC);
  • supported coaching for almost 340,000 new well being care employees; and
  • supported antiretroviral remedy for 20.1 million folks.

Moreover, it experiences that within the 15 international locations enforcing the DREAMS initiative, new diagnoses amongst adolescent women and younger ladies have declined, with maximum DREAMS spaces (96%) experiencing declines more than 25% and just about two-thirds with declines more than 40%.

Nations Reached

PEPFAR bilateral systems span greater than 50 international locations. Extra international locations are reached via U.S. contributions to the International Fund. PEPFAR these days calls for 25 international locations and the Asia, Western Hemisphere, and West Africa regional systems to increase “Nation Operational Plans” (COPs) and “Regional Operational Plans” (ROPs), respectively, to record annual investments and expected effects. OGAC evaluations and the International AIDS Coordinator approves COP/ROPs.


General PEPFAR investment contains bilateral investment for HIV actions performed by means of U.S. enforcing businesses in addition to U.S. contributions to the International Fund and UNAIDS, as laid out in Congress for PEPFAR in annual appropriations expenses. It represents the vast majority of U.S. world well being investment (starting from 52% to 57% over the last 5 years) and is the biggest dedication by means of any country to handle a unmarried illness on the planet. So far, PEPFAR investment has totaled greater than $110 billion, with investment attaining $6.9 billion in FY 2023 (see determine and the KFF truth sheet at the U.S. Global Health Budget: HIV/PEPFAR). The President asked $6.8 billion for PEPFAR in FY 2024.

PEPFAR’s introduction marked a vital building up within the quantity of investment equipped by means of the U.S. for HIV. Traits in investment for bilateral systems and contributions to multilateral organizations are as follows:

  • Bilateral HIV Investment: Nearly all of PEPFAR investment (starting from 70-77% each and every yr over the last decade) is supplied for bilateral systems throughout the State Division (maximum of which is then transferred to different businesses), USAID, CDC, and DoD. Bilateral investment rose impulsively from $822 million in FY 2003 (the yr sooner than PEPFAR) to a top of $5.0 billion in FY 2010. Between FY 2010 and FY 2013, it declined by means of greater than $750 million. Whilst it has risen since then, bilateral investment in FY 2023 ($4.8 billion) was once nonetheless $233 million beneath its top degree, and investment has been most commonly flat for the previous a number of years.
  • Multilateral Contributions: The U.S. additionally helps world HIV efforts via contributions to the International Fund and UNAIDS. Give a boost to for the International Fund, which accounts for lots of the multilateral contributions, larger impulsively in its early years and fluctuated through the years; it reached its best possible degree to this point ($2.0 billion) in FY 2023. The U.S. contribution to UNAIDS was once $45 million for many years over the last decade, however larger to $50 million in FY 2022, the place it has remained.
  • Emergency Investment: In FY 2021, an extra $3.8 billion in emergency supplemental investment was once equipped for bilateral HIV ($250 million) and the International Fund ($3.5 billion) to handle COVID-19.
Spending Directives

PEPFAR has integrated a number of spending directives, or earmarks, from Congress over the process its historical past, lots of that have modified through the years:

  1. The Management Act, PEPFAR’s unique authorization, integrated the next spending directives: 55% of budget have been to be spent on remedy; 15% on palliative care; 20% on prevention, of which a minimum of 33% be spent on abstinence-until-marriage systems; and 10% on OVC. Whilst those have been integrated as “sense of Congress” suggestions, the remedy, OVC, and abstinence-until-marriage earmarks have been made necessities as of FY 2006.
  2. The Lantos-Hyde Actat ease a few of these directives for the FY 2009 – FY 2013 length: whilst nonetheless requiring that 10% of budget be spent on systems focused on OVC, it modified the remedy earmark from 55% to requiring that a minimum of part of bilateral HIV help be spent on remedy and care. It got rid of the 33% abstinence-until-marriage directive and changed it with a demand of “balanced investment” for prevention to be accompanied by means of a report back to Congress if not up to part of prevention budget have been spent on abstinence, prolong of sexual debut, monogamy, constancy, and spouse relief actions in any host nation with a generalized (prime occurrence) epidemic.
  3. The PEPFAR Stewardship Act and The PEPFAR Extension Act have maintained the language within the Lantos-Hyde Act.

PEPFAR & The International Fund

The U.S. is the only biggest donor to the International Fund. Appropriations for the U.S. contribution to the International Fund totaled roughly $28.2 billion from FY 2001 via FY 2023. As proven above, in FY 2021 the U.S. executive equipped $3.5 billion in emergency investment to the International Fund to assist the group cope with the affects of COVID-19 (along with the $250 million in emergency budget equipped to bilateral HIV for COVID-19-related efforts).

The International Fund supplies any other mechanism for U.S. fortify by means of investment systems evolved by means of recipient international locations, attaining a broader vary of nations, and supporting TB, malaria, and well being programs strengthening (HSS) systems along with (and past their linkage with) HIV. So far, over 120 international locations have gained International Fund grants. Maximum International Fund fortify (52%) has been dedicated to HIV and HIV/TB systems, adopted by means of 29% to malaria, 15% to TB, and three% to different well being problems. The unique authorization of PEPFAR, and next reauthorizations, integrated a prohibit on annual U.S. contributions to the International Fund that avoided them from inflicting cumulative U.S. contributions to exceed 33% of the International Fund’s general contributions; this requirement is in impact via FY 2023 (see the KFF fact sheet at the International Fund).


COVID-19 has had profound results within the international locations that obtain PEPFAR fortify and on HIV efforts, particularly with reference to HIV prevention. Quickly after the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, PEPFAR acted to reply to and mitigate its affects at the HIV reaction. This integrated: growing – and steadily updating – steering to box groups aimed toward making sure continuity of care and leveraging PEPFAR’s infrastructure to reply to COVID-19; accelerating using methods to attenuate provider disruption, comparable to multi-month doling out of antiretrovirals and decentralized distribution of HIV self-testing kits; enforcing new methods, comparable to telemedicine; and bearing in mind some program flexibility in reporting necessities, staffing, and investment re-allocation.,

PEPFAR’s capability to reply to COVID-19 gained the most important spice up in March 2021, when Congress equipped PEPFAR with $250 million in COVID-19 emergency investment for those efforts (Congress additionally equipped $3.5 billion in emergency budget to the International Fund).

Key Problems for the U.S.

The U.S. executive is the largest donor to world HIV efforts on the planet, together with the biggest donor to the International Fund, and PEPFAR is considered as one of the crucial important and a hit world well being projects ever undertaken. Now, two decades after its introduction, PEPFAR is at a turning level. There were vital shifts within the HIV and broader world well being panorama for the reason that program was once introduced, together with the affects and courses of the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing discussions about how PEPFAR, and different vertical, disease-focused systems, will have to be a part of efforts to reinforce pandemic preparedness. PEPFAR additionally is working below a brand new technique, and reauthorization discussions are underway, which regardless of a push from advocates and management leaders for a “blank reauthorization” (one wherein there are not any coverage adjustments to the present regulation) would possibly come upon demanding situations as extra divisive problems, together with abortion and different problems, rise up. As PEPFAR enters its subsequent segment, there are a number of key interrelated problems and demanding situations going through this system that may most likely have implications for its long term, together with:  

  • addressing the short- and long-term affects of COVID-19 at the HIV reaction in PEPFAR international locations;
  • accelerating growth towards epidemic keep watch over within the context of flat investment;
  • attaining the optimum mixture of products and services equipped, populations served, and geographies centered;
  • supporting and strengthening community-led responses and sustainability;
  • defining PEPFAR’s function in pandemic preparedness and broader well being programs strengthening efforts, whilst making sure synergies with different U.S. world well being and building systems; and
  • proceeding to coordinate with different donors and entities within the HIV ecosystem, particularly the International Fund.


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