Medicaid State Fact Sheets | KFF


Click on at the state title under to obtain a two-page reality sheet that gives a snapshot of key information for Medicaid in each state associated with present protection, get admission to, and spending.


The reality sheets come with each state and nationwide point information. The place state-level information used to be no longer to be had, national-level information used to be used to supply further context.

For explicit assets used within the reality sheets, see under.

General Per 30 days Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment:

State Well being Info. “General Per 30 days Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment and Pre-ACA Enrollment, March 2023.” KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

Uninsured charges:

State Well being Info. “Well being Insurance coverage Protection of Nonelderly 0-64, 2021.” KFF,

Proportion of inhabitants this is low source of revenue: 

State Well being Info. “Distribution of the General Inhabitants via Federal Poverty Degree (above and under 200% FPL), 2021.” KFF,

Proportion of inhabitants lined via Medicaid/CHIP: 

State Well being Info. “Well being Insurance coverage Protection of the General Inhabitants, 2021.” KFF,

State enlargement standing:

“Standing of State Medicaid Enlargement Selections, Would possibly 2023.” KFF,

Selection of adults within the protection hole:

Robin Rudowitz, Patrick Drake, Jennifer Tolbert and Anthony Damico. The Protection Hole: Uninsured Deficient Adults in States that Do Now not Enlarge Medicaid (Washington, DC: KFF, Mar 2023),

Selection of adults within the enlargement crew:

State Well being Info. “Medicaid Enlargement Enrollment, September 2022.” KFF,

Median eligibility ranges:

Medicaid covers:

Proportion of non-elderly Medicaid enrollees who’re other folks of colour:
State Well being Info. “Distribution of the Nonelderly with Medicaid via Race/Ethnicity, 2021” KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

Proportion of grownup Medicaid enrollees who’re operating:
Madeline Guth, Patrick Drake, Robin Rudowitz, and Maiss Mohamed. Paintings Figuring out the Intersection of Medicaid & Paintings: A Have a look at What the Knowledge Say. (Washington, DC: KFF, April 2023).

Medicaid enrollees & expenditures:

Medicaid spending via carrier:

Federal Clinical Help Share (FMAP)

Births Coated via Medicaid:

State Well being Info. “Births Financed via Medicaid, 2021”, KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

Medicaid 12-month postpartum protection extension:

State Well being Info. “Standing of State Adoption of 12-Months Postpartum Protection in Medicaid, June 2023“, KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

12-month steady Medicaid eligibility for youngsters:

State Well being Info. “State Adoption of 12-Month Steady Eligibility for Youngsters’s Medicaid and CHIP, January 2023“, KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

12-Months Postpartum protection adoption:

State Well being Info. “Standing of State Adoption of 12-Months Postpartum Protection in Medicaid, June 2023”, KFF,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D.

Medicaid Protection of Girls Ages 15 – 49:

KFF research of the American Neighborhood Survey (ACS), 2021.  Ivette Gomez, Usha Ranji, Alina Salganicoff, and Brittni Frederiksen. Medicaid Protection for Girls (San Francisco, CA: KFF, February 2022),

Proportion of those who dangle favorable perspectives of Medicaid:

5 Charts About Public Opinion on Medicaid (San Francisco, CA: KFF, March 2023),

Nationwide get admission to measures:

KFF research of Nationwide Well being Interview Survey (NHIS), 2021. Physician discuss with amongst nonelderly adults (ages 18 to 64) refers to any well being skilled prior to now yr, Behind schedule or Went With out Care Because of Value refers to going with out care prior to now yr.



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